Ten Do’s and Don’ts in German Business
1. Avoid Misunderstandings Germans’ knowledge of foreign languages is better than in many other countries.
Deichstraße 17 • 20459 Hamburg
Call now: +49-40-52386363
Peter Koch, Bar Certified Specialist for INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW
Our law firm advises domestic and foreign clients in matters of German, US-American and International Business Law. The main focus of our practice lies on the following areas:
Comprehensive legal advise and representation for domestic and foreign clients in German business matters, especially in the areas of Commercial Law, Contract Law, Corporate Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Antitrust Law, and International Trade Regulations.
Expert legal advise and representation in business matters involving US-American Law, including investments, all stages of transactions, from first negotiations to completion, and, if necessary, solution of conflicts with American business partners.
Legal advise and support for international investments and transactions, development and legal management of international business relations, securing international intellectual property rights, and prosecution of and defense against claims in litigation or arbitration abroad.
Expert legal advise and support in questions of German, European, and US-American Foreign Trade an Export Control Regulations to prevent violations and, if necessary, mitigate consequences, if violations have occurred.
Competent advise in questions concerning US-American Civil Law, like Estate Law, Domestic Relations, Immigration, Real Estate Law, Investment Law, and Tax Law, as well as other areas of US Private Law.
A selection of current topics
1. Avoid Misunderstandings Germans’ knowledge of foreign languages is better than in many other countries.
One of the best tools for foreign companies to enter the German market are cooperation
Deichstraße 17
20459 Hamburg
Tel: +49-40-52386363
Fax: +49-40-32046462
Mail: pk@us-anwalt.de
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